LIFE: Kathleen has left the Googleplex - Next stop? Pastry school
I’m starting culinary school in two days.
Yes, you read that correctly.
No, I’m not going crazy.
Yes, I really quit my job at Google to immerse myself in the world of dough and batter.
No, I’m not going crazy.
Backing up a bit...the past few months years evolved from fleeting thoughts of pursuing my passion for bread and pastry to increasingly concrete plans. Those plans culminated in applying to, interviewing for, and gaining acceptance into a professional pastry program at a cooking school here in SF.
Many folks, especially those who have sampled the goods, have been immeasurably supportive and helpful during this phase of self-discovery and transition, and for them I cannot be more thankful.
For the few who outwardly laughed at me, immediately countered my news with all the reasons why I couldn’t/shouldn’t do this, or congratulated me to my face only to later bad-mouth the decision to others (heads up: people talk!), I wholeheartedly thank you, too.
It’s not possible nor advantageous to please everyone, and I didn’t expect this decision to be some magical anomaly. In fact, other major life decisions, like relocating to Wisconsin and California, working for Google instead of ESPN, and steadfastly refusing to embrace sour cream in my burritos, were accompanied with similarly polarizing reactions.
However, the haters aren’t embarking down this path; I am. And I couldn’t be more psyched, anxious, and ready to do this.
To advocates and detractors alike, I plan to chronicle this “I-left-a-great-gig-at-Google-to-bake” journey and its aftermath here, along with other things I think you might fancy. School’s in session on August 29, 2016.